Pioneering Natural Weight-Loss Treatment
Developing an effective, natural weight-loss treatment required groundbreaking research and problem-solving. By leveraging R&D tax credits, QLC’s client overcame key scientific and formulation challenges, bringing them closer to delivering a safe, accessible alternative to surgical interventions.
QLC’s client set out to address a significant gap in the weight-loss treatment market. Existing products offered limited effectiveness, while surgical interventions, though impactful, were invasive, costly and inaccessible for many patients.
The client aimed to develop an affordable, natural weight-loss tablet that could safely modulate appetite by triggering the secretion of appetite-suppressing hormones in the large bowel.
Achieving this goal required overcoming scientific uncertainties and conducting extensive research and development.
The approach
The client embarked on a comprehensive R&D journey to develop a treatment that was both effective and safe. Key stages of the project included:
Early research:
- Using tissue assay platforms to evaluate combinations of natural substances.
- Identifying formulations that could modulate hormone secretion effectively.
Formulation development:
- Experimenting with the transition of the formulation from a paste to a powder to improve its usability and scalability.
- Ensuring that the change in form did not compromise the treatment’s performance.
Clinical trials:
- Conducting trials to test the formulation's effectiveness in appetite suppression.
- Exploring the impact of varying doses on hormone secretion to determine optimal dosages.
By the end of the last claim period, the treatment was in its final stages of development. The client had successfully navigated key technical challenges, including identifying an effective natural formulation and optimising its delivery format. This innovative approach has the potential to transform weight-loss treatment, providing a safe and accessible alternative to surgical interventions.

Qualifying R&D activities
QLC worked closely with the client to ensure that all eligible R&D activities were identified and claimed. The client’s qualifying activities included:
- Investigating potential natural ingredient combinations.
- Conducting tissue assays and other in vitro studies.
- Managing the transition from paste to powder formulation.
- Running clinical trials to evaluate effectiveness and dosing.
The role of R&D tax credits
The R&D tax credits claimed enabled the client to reinvest in their research, ensuring they could continue pushing the boundaries of innovation in weight-loss treatments.
This project highlights the value of R&D in tackling global health challenges. By leveraging natural ingredients and rigorous scientific methods, the client is poised to make a meaningful impact on the weight-loss market. With QLC’s guidance, they unlocked vital funding to drive their innovation forward.

What we do
We help businesses like yours claim R&D tax relief faster and with less hassle.
QLC are R&D tax credit specialists. We’re an experienced team of chartered accountants, sector specialists and tax advisors, based in the heart of Marylebone, London.
We help businesses claim R&D tax credits and R&D tax relief faster and with less hassle.